3 Reasons why Sports Tours are Important for Kids

“Learning happens everywhere, not just in the classroom.”

Schooling is easily the most significant aspect of every kid. The time spent learning various subjects and partaking in different activities shape their nascent minds for a lifetime. Similarly, joining various arts and sports classes outside school sparks their personal development along with developing a potential new hobby or career.
This sort of growth will eventually hit a snag in terms of the pace and efficiency of learning without a right catalyst. In order to overcome such a situation, tours are important. To be even more specific, sports tours prove to be much more vital for kids to progress. Travelling with team-mates and dealing with a new state/country brings a set of challenges. These tests accelerate their learning and development. Here is why.

1. Break the plateau

Sports Tours football
New challenges trigger new learning
Every type of education, be it at school or at sports, hits a plateau after a point of time. The children’s learning tends to slow down and in the case of sports, their progress starts getting stagnant. In these scenarios, a sports tour is a perfect activator to spike up the process.

Playing with and against the same bunch of players leads to familiarity and therefore, a growth barrier. However, during a sports tour, kids come up against newer opposition who pose fresh challenges. Some of them could be either unheard of while some will take the team completely by surprise. Either way, a new chapter begins, ending the plateau and kick-starting another climb in their learning process.

2. Sinking and swimming together

Kids bonding swimming
Facing challenges away from home brings kids together
Kids get only so much time together both in schools or in sports training classes. While friendships are still forged, nothing works like sports tours. The whole difference between playing in their own backyard and competing in an alien land kicks in, brings the band closer.
They play together, eat together and spend their off-time together unlike regular days. These changes in an unknown land make the kids care for each other, building their camaraderie, team spirit and the importance of having each other’s back.  Each of them is valid and valuable all through life.
3. Accelerated Personality Development
International tour for kids
Exposure tours enhance kids’ mental growth at an accelerated rate
Usually, the learning process for kids occurs in classrooms or in outdoor classes. In both the scenarios, the prime focus of the kid is on picking up whatever is being taught. Other aspects of their daily routine, such as taking care of themselves, sleeping and waking up of time are generally the responsibility of their parents or guardians.
However, this is not the case in exposure tours, to the benefit of the kids. In these sports tours, these young wards learn to be independent, be it handling themselves while travelling, eating on time or packing their bags before and after games. Such experiences are priceless for their mental development as they learn to be responsible and focussed at all times.
Thus, these are a few important reasons why exposure tours are vital in helping kids script their own success stories. Every Sporthood BBFS kid along with their parents will vouch for the same. Feel free to express your views in the comments section below.
